The package mlr3tuningspaces offers a selection of published search spaces for many popular machine learning algorithms. In this post, we show how to tune a mlr3 learners
with these search spaces.
The packages mlr3verse and mlr3tuningspaces are required for this demonstration:
We initialize the random number generator with a fixed seed for reproducibility, and decrease the verbosity of the logger to keep the output clearly represented.
lgr::get_logger("bbotk")$set_threshold("warn") lgr
In the example, we use the pima indian diabetes data set
which is used to predict whether or not a patient has diabetes. The patients are characterized by 8 numeric features, some of them have missing values.
# retrieve the task from mlr3
= tsk("pima")
# generate a quick textual overview using the skimr package
::skim(task$data()) skimr
Name | task$data() |
Number of rows | 768 |
Number of columns | 9 |
Key | NULL |
_______________________ | |
Column type frequency: | |
factor | 1 |
numeric | 8 |
________________________ | |
Group variables | None |
Variable type: factor
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | ordered | n_unique | top_counts |
diabetes | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | neg: 500, pos: 268 |
Variable type: numeric
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | mean | sd | p0 | p25 | p50 | p75 | p100 | hist |
age | 0 | 1.00 | 33.24 | 11.76 | 21.00 | 24.00 | 29.00 | 41.00 | 81.00 | ▇▃▁▁▁ |
glucose | 5 | 0.99 | 121.69 | 30.54 | 44.00 | 99.00 | 117.00 | 141.00 | 199.00 | ▁▇▇▃▂ |
insulin | 374 | 0.51 | 155.55 | 118.78 | 14.00 | 76.25 | 125.00 | 190.00 | 846.00 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
mass | 11 | 0.99 | 32.46 | 6.92 | 18.20 | 27.50 | 32.30 | 36.60 | 67.10 | ▅▇▃▁▁ |
pedigree | 0 | 1.00 | 0.47 | 0.33 | 0.08 | 0.24 | 0.37 | 0.63 | 2.42 | ▇▃▁▁▁ |
pregnant | 0 | 1.00 | 3.85 | 3.37 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 6.00 | 17.00 | ▇▃▂▁▁ |
pressure | 35 | 0.95 | 72.41 | 12.38 | 24.00 | 64.00 | 72.00 | 80.00 | 122.00 | ▁▃▇▂▁ |
triceps | 227 | 0.70 | 29.15 | 10.48 | 7.00 | 22.00 | 29.00 | 36.00 | 99.00 | ▆▇▁▁▁ |
Tuning Search Space
For tuning, it is important to create a search space that defines the type and range of the hyperparameters. A learner stores all information about its hyperparameters in the slot $param_set
. Usually, we have to chose a subset of hyperparameters we want to tune.
id class lower upper nlevels default value
1: cp ParamDbl 0 1 Inf 0.01
2: keep_model ParamLgl NA NA 2 FALSE
3: maxcompete ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 4
4: maxdepth ParamInt 1 30 30 30
5: maxsurrogate ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 5
6: minbucket ParamInt 1 Inf Inf <NoDefault[3]>
7: minsplit ParamInt 1 Inf Inf 20
8: surrogatestyle ParamInt 0 1 2 0
9: usesurrogate ParamInt 0 2 3 2
10: xval ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 10 0
At the heart of mlr3tuningspaces is the R6 class TuningSpace
. It stores a list of TuneToken
, helper functions and additional meta information. The list of TuneToken
can be directly applied to the $values
slot of a learner’s ParamSet
. The search spaces are stored in the mlr_tuning_spaces
key label learner n_values
1: classif.glmnet.default Classification GLM with Default classif.glmnet 2
2: classif.glmnet.rbv1 Classification GLM with RandomBot classif.glmnet 2
3: classif.glmnet.rbv2 Classification GLM with RandomBot classif.glmnet 2
4: classif.kknn.default Classification KKNN with Default classif.kknn 3
5: classif.kknn.rbv1 Classification KKNN with RandomBot classif.kknn 1
6: classif.kknn.rbv2 Classification KKNN with RandomBot classif.kknn 1
7: classif.ranger.default Classification Ranger with Default classif.ranger 4
8: classif.ranger.rbv1 Classification Ranger with RandomBot classif.ranger 6
9: classif.ranger.rbv2 Classification Ranger with RandomBot classif.ranger 8
10: classif.rpart.default Classification Rpart with Default classif.rpart 3
11: classif.rpart.rbv1 Classification Rpart with RandomBot classif.rpart 4
12: classif.rpart.rbv2 Classification Rpart with RandomBot classif.rpart 4
13: classif.svm.default Classification SVM with Default classif.svm 4
14: classif.svm.rbv1 Classification SVM with RandomBot classif.svm 4
15: classif.svm.rbv2 Classification SVM with RandomBot classif.svm 5
16: classif.xgboost.default Classification XGBoost with Default classif.xgboost 8
17: classif.xgboost.rbv1 Classification XGBoost with RandomBot classif.xgboost 10
18: classif.xgboost.rbv2 Classification XGBoost with RandomBot classif.xgboost 13
19: regr.glmnet.default Regression GLM with Default regr.glmnet 2
20: regr.glmnet.rbv1 Regression GLM with RandomBot regr.glmnet 2
21: regr.glmnet.rbv2 Regression GLM with RandomBot regr.glmnet 2
22: regr.kknn.default Regression KKNN with Default regr.kknn 3
23: regr.kknn.rbv1 Regression KKNN with RandomBot regr.kknn 1
24: regr.kknn.rbv2 Regression KKNN with RandomBot regr.kknn 1
25: regr.ranger.default Regression Ranger with Default regr.ranger 4
26: regr.ranger.rbv1 Regression Ranger with RandomBot regr.ranger 6
27: regr.ranger.rbv2 Regression Ranger with RandomBot regr.ranger 7
28: regr.rpart.default Regression Rpart with Default regr.rpart 3
29: regr.rpart.rbv1 Regression Rpart with RandomBot regr.rpart 4
30: regr.rpart.rbv2 Regression Rpart with RandomBot regr.rpart 4
31: regr.svm.default Regression SVM with Default regr.svm 4
32: regr.svm.rbv1 Regression SVM with RandomBot regr.svm 4
33: regr.svm.rbv2 Regression SVM with RandomBot regr.svm 5
34: regr.xgboost.default Regression XGBoost with Default regr.xgboost 8
35: regr.xgboost.rbv1 Regression XGBoost with RandomBot regr.xgboost 10
36: regr.xgboost.rbv2 Regression XGBoost with RandomBot regr.xgboost 13
key label learner n_values
We can use the sugar function lts()
to retrieve a TuningSpace
= lts("classif.rpart.default")
tuning_space_rpart tuning_space_rpart
<TuningSpace:classif.rpart.default>: Classification Rpart with Default
id lower upper levels logscale
1: minsplit 2e+00 128.0 TRUE
2: minbucket 1e+00 64.0 TRUE
3: cp 1e-04 0.1 TRUE
The $values
slot contains the list of of TuneToken
$values tuning_space_rpart
Tuning over:
range [2, 128] (log scale)
Tuning over:
range [1, 64] (log scale)
Tuning over:
range [1e-04, 0.1] (log scale)
We apply the search space and tune the learner
= lrn("classif.rpart")
$param_set$values = tuning_space_rpart$values
= tune(
instance tuner = tnr("random_search"),
task = tsk("pima"),
learner = learner,
resampling = rsmp ("holdout"),
measure = msr("classif.ce"),
term_evals = 10)
$result instance
minsplit minbucket cp learner_param_vals x_domain classif.ce
1: 3.40059 1.963618 -4.114895 <list[3]> <list[3]> 0.2539062
We can also get the learner
with search space already applied from the TuningSpace
= tuning_space_rpart$get_learner()
learner print(learner$param_set)
id class lower upper nlevels default value
1: cp ParamDbl 0 1 Inf 0.01 <RangeTuneToken[2]>
2: keep_model ParamLgl NA NA 2 FALSE
3: maxcompete ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 4
4: maxdepth ParamInt 1 30 30 30
5: maxsurrogate ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 5
6: minbucket ParamInt 1 Inf Inf <NoDefault[3]> <RangeTuneToken[2]>
7: minsplit ParamInt 1 Inf Inf 20 <RangeTuneToken[2]>
8: surrogatestyle ParamInt 0 1 2 0
9: usesurrogate ParamInt 0 2 3 2
10: xval ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 10 0
This method also allows to set constant parameters.
= tuning_space_rpart$get_learner(maxdepth = 15)
learner print(learner$param_set)
id class lower upper nlevels default value
1: cp ParamDbl 0 1 Inf 0.01 <RangeTuneToken[2]>
2: keep_model ParamLgl NA NA 2 FALSE
3: maxcompete ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 4
4: maxdepth ParamInt 1 30 30 30 15
5: maxsurrogate ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 5
6: minbucket ParamInt 1 Inf Inf <NoDefault[3]> <RangeTuneToken[2]>
7: minsplit ParamInt 1 Inf Inf 20 <RangeTuneToken[2]>
8: surrogatestyle ParamInt 0 1 2 0
9: usesurrogate ParamInt 0 2 3 2
10: xval ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 10 0
The lts()
function sets the default search space directly to a learner
= lts(lrn("classif.rpart", maxdepth = 15))
learner print(learner$param_set)
id class lower upper nlevels default value
1: cp ParamDbl 0 1 Inf 0.01 <RangeTuneToken[2]>
2: keep_model ParamLgl NA NA 2 FALSE
3: maxcompete ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 4
4: maxdepth ParamInt 1 30 30 30 15
5: maxsurrogate ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 5
6: minbucket ParamInt 1 Inf Inf <NoDefault[3]> <RangeTuneToken[2]>
7: minsplit ParamInt 1 Inf Inf 20 <RangeTuneToken[2]>
8: surrogatestyle ParamInt 0 1 2 0
9: usesurrogate ParamInt 0 2 3 2
10: xval ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 10 0