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Wrapper-based Ensemble Feature Selection
Find the most stable and predictive features using multiple learners and resampling techniques.
2025-01-12 - John Zobolas
Time constraints in the mlr3 ecosystem
Set time limits for learners, tuning and nested resampling.
2023-12-21 - Marc Becker
Analyzing the Runtime Performance of tidymodels and mlr3
Compare the runtime performance of tidymodels and mlr3.
2023-10-30 - Marc Becker
Survival modeling in mlr3 using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART)
Demonstrate use of survival BART on the lung dataset via mlr3proba and distr6.
2023-10-25 - John Zobolas
Spatial Data in the mlr3 Ecosystem
Run a land cover classification of the city of Leipzig.
2023-02-27 - Marc Becker
Recursive Feature Elimination on the Sonar Data Set
Utilize the built-in feature importance of models.
2023-02-07 - Marc Becker
Shadow Variable Search on the Pima Indian Diabetes Data Set
Run a feature selection with permutated features.
2023-02-01 - Marc Becker, Sebastian Fischer
Default Hyperparameter Configuration
Run the default hyperparameter configuration of learners as a baseline.
2023-01-31 - Marc Becker
Resume the training of learners.
2023-01-16 - Marc Becker, Sebastian Fischer
Hyperband Series - Data Set Subsampling
Optimize the hyperparameters of a Support Vector Machine with Hyperband.
2023-01-16 - Marc Becker, Sebastian Fischer
Hyperband Series - Iterative Training
Optimize the hyperparameters of an XGBoost model with Hyperband.
2023-01-15 - Marc Becker, Sebastian Fischer
Visualization in mlr3
Quickly plot the mlr3 ecosystem.
2022-12-22 - Marc Becker
Practical Tuning Series - Tuning and Parallel Processing
Run various jobs in mlr3 in parallel.
2021-03-12 - Marc Becker, Theresa Ullmann, Michel Lang, Bernd Bischl, Jakob Richter, Martin Binder
Practical Tuning Series - Build an Automated Machine Learning System
Implement a simple automated machine learning system.
2021-03-11 - Marc Becker, Theresa Ullmann, Michel Lang, Bernd Bischl, Jakob Richter, Martin Binder
Practical Tuning Series - Tune a Preprocessing Pipeline
Build a simple preprocessing pipeline and tune it.
2021-03-10 - Marc Becker, Theresa Ullmann, Michel Lang, Bernd Bischl, Jakob Richter, Martin Binder
Practical Tuning Series - Tune a Support Vector Machine
Optimize the hyperparameters of a support vector machine.
2021-03-09 - Marc Becker, Theresa Ullmann, Michel Lang, Bernd Bischl, Jakob Richter, Martin Binder
Tuning a Complex Graph
Tune a preprocessing pipeline and multiple tuners at once.
2021-02-03 - Lennart Schneider
Integer Hyperparameters in Tuners for Real-valued Search Spaces
Optimize integer hyperparameters with tuners that can only propose real numbers.
2021-01-19 - Marc Becker
Threshold Tuning for Classification Tasks
Adjust the probability thresholds of classes.
2020-10-14 - Florian Pfisterer
Liver Patient Classification Based on Diagnostic Measures
Tune and benchmark pipelines.
2020-09-11 - Julian Lange, Jae-Eun Nam, Viet Tran, Simon Wiegrebe, Henri Funk (Editor)
Comparison of Decision Boundaries of Classification Learners
Visualize the decision boundaries of multiple classification learners on some artificial data sets.
2020-08-14 - Michel Lang
A Production Example Using Plumber and Docker
Write a REST API using plumber and deploy it using Docker.
2020-08-13 - Lennart Schneider
Target Transformations via Pipelines
Transform the target variable.
2020-06-15 - Lennart Schneider
mlr3 and OpenML - Moneyball Use Case
Download data from OpenML data and impute missing values.
2020-05-04 - Philipp Kopper
Feature Engineering of Date-Time Variables
Engineer features using date-time variables.
2020-05-02 - Lennart Schneider
A Pipeline for the Titanic Data Set - Advanced
Create new features and impute missing values with a pipeline.
2020-04-27 - Florian Pfisterer
Tuning a Stacked Learner
Tune a multilevel stacking model.
2020-04-27 - Milan Dragicevic, Giuseppe Casalicchio
Pipelines, Selectors, Branches
Build a preprocessing pipeline with branching.
2020-04-23 - Milan Dragicevic, Giuseppe Casalicchio
Regression Chains
Handle multi-target regression with regression chains.
2020-04-18 - Lennart Schneider
Resampling - Stratified, Blocked and Predefined
Apply stratified, block and custom resampling.
2020-03-30 - Milan Dragicevic, Giuseppe Casalicchio
Imbalanced Data Handling with mlr3
Handle imbalanced data with oversampling, undersampling, and SMOTE imbalance correction.
2020-03-30 - Giuseppe Casalicchio
A Pipeline for the Titanic Data Set - Basics
Build a graph.
2020-03-12 - Florian Pfisterer
German Credit Series - Basics
Train different models.
2020-03-11 - Martin Binder, Florian Pfisterer, Michel Lang
German Credit Series - Tuning
Optimize Hyperparameters and apply nested resampling.
2020-03-11 - Martin Binder, Florian Pfisterer
German Credit Series - Pipelines
Impute missing values, filter features and stack Learners.
2020-03-11 - Martin Binder, Florian Pfisterer
Select Uncorrelated Features
Remove correlated features with a pipeline.
2020-02-25 - Martin Binder, Florian Pfisterer
Tuning Over Multiple Learners
Tune over multiple learners for a single task.
2020-02-01 - Jakob Richter, Bernd Bischl
Encode Factor Levels for xgboost
Encode factor variables in a task.
2020-01-31 - Michel Lang
Impute Missing Variables
Augment a Random Forest with automatic imputation.
2020-01-31 - Florian Pfisterer
House Prices in King County
Apply multiple preprocessing steps, fit a model and visualize the results.
2020-01-30 - Florian Pfisterer